Course Description
American Literature and Composition - American Literature and Composition: learns and adheres to the Eagle Academy Writing Expectations; follows the American Literature for Life and Work Textbook; focuses on paying attention to detail; studies Call of the Wild; analyzes characters; studies vocabulary; works on summarizing skills.
Arts and Humanities – Film - Studies many different genres of film, including Hitchcock and Chaplin classics; an epic film; and a modern comedy. Students will create and produce their own film.Course Description: This course aims to introduce students to the skills of film analysis and interpretation, and to cultivate an appreciation of film as a complex art form. It will provide the student with the means for the aesthetic study of film. The course involves film screenings, reviews, assigned readings, in-class analysis exercises and other written assignments all of which are designed to help develop the students’ own critical perspectives on film. Films are chosen to illustrate a variety of styles and approaches to narrative filmmaking. We will look at basic concepts of the filmic language such as cinematography, color, editing and sound, and analyse a number of feature length films. Additionally, in the second quarter, we will create our own films using what we have learned.
Arts and Humanities: Mythology - This course will introduce students to the wide variety of myths and legends that still dominate our literature, films, poetry, music, and psychology. Students will analyse ancient and popular folklore to see its uses in the present day. Students will compare mythologies through essays and discussions. Though the focus will be on Greek, Roman and Norse mythologies, we will read a wide variety of myths (creation, heroic, and explanatory) from throughout the world in an effort to capture the common links which bind us together as a species. Edith Hamilton’s Mythology will be our starting point, but it is far from where we will likely end.
Contemporary Literature and Composition - Contemporary Literature and Composition: learns and adheres to the Eagle Academy Writing Expectations; focuses on being a humanitarian by studying and creating pay-it-forward ideas; Studies the college essay/personal essay, focusing on descriptive writing and thesis development and utilizing the 6 trait rubric; studies short fiction, long fiction, and non-fiction.
Creative Writing - Creative Writing: learns and adheres to the Eagle Academy Writing Expectations; Studies Freedom Writers Diary in order to learn that writing can be cathartic; studies creative expression; students will strive towards creating short stories with developed character and defined plots.
Developmental Reading and Writing - Developmental Reading and Writing: learns and adheres to the Eagle Academy Writing Expectations; utilizes Jamestown Reading Navigator software to develop reading and writing skills; studies language by doing Daily Oral Language exercises; teaches students to take ownership of their learning by revising their writing.
Dramatic Literature - Dramatic Literature: focuses on reading with emphasis; studies theatrical terms (stage directions); analyzes and appreciates plot development.
Elements of Writing - The student will learn and adhere to the Eagle Academy Writing Expectations; focusing on ACT and SAT responsive writing, five paragraph essay writing, the importance of revision; and will study grammar and language by doing Daily Oral Language exercises. Non-fiction writing will be analyzed and will provide prompts for writing.
English Strategies I - English Strategies: Focuses on reading comprehension and writing skills including paragraph formations, essay writing and response to long and short fiction and plays; learns and adheres to the Eagle Academy Writing Expectations; studies language by doing Daily Oral Language exercises.
English Strategies II (Adventure Lit) - English Strategies II (Adventure Lit): expand upon English Strategies I by truly adhering to the Eagle Academy Writing Expectations; studies Three Miles an Hour, the Adventures of One Woman’s Walk Around the World by Polly Letofsky; focuses on listening skills, expository text analysis, MAP skills (predicting, summarizing), development of board game, and persuasive letters.
English Survey - English Survey: learns and adheres to the Eagle Academy Writing Expectations; focuses on attention to detail; studies both a fictional and a non-fictional novel; analyzes texts and characters within texts; studies vocabulary; works on summarizing skills.
Exploring English - Exploring English: learns and adheres to the Eagle Academy Writing Expectations; studies and practices the English language by doing Daily Oral Language exercises; studies poetry, Shakespeare, short fiction, non-fiction; analyzes different styles of writing and students will produce a multi-genre research based paper or creative piece.
Grammar and Composition - Grammar and Composition: learns and adheres to the Eagle Writing Expectations; studies and practices the English language by completing Daily Oral Language Exercises (Caught ya’s); focuses on topic sentences; Essays (Opinions and research essays); Peer editing; analyzes professional essays and opinion pieces, students practice determining their own grades, re-writing essays, works on masterpiece sentences (diversification of sentence structure).
Journalism/Yearbook/Photography - Journalism/Yearbook/Photography: Production of mini newsletter; study of picture taking techniques; study and analysis of proper yearbook formatting and content; production of yearbook.
Science Fiction and Fantasy - Science Fiction and Fantasy: learns and adheres to the Eagle Academy Writing Expectations; studies and practices the English language by doing Daily Oral Language exercise; studies science fiction and fantasy and non-fiction as it relates to our science fiction stories; analyzes body language and the elements of humanity.
Senior Seminar - Senior Seminar explores a variety of post secondary opportunities including interest profiles, personality tests, career options, college and financial aid research, goal setting and college visits or job shadowing. Students will create an online portfolio with a resume, essay samples and a collection reflections about life after high school.
Social Studies
US Government - Students will learn the foundations of the United States Government by inspecting the roles of the three branches of government. We will examine their rights and responsibilities of becoming participants in our republic.
United States History 1950's - 1960's - Students will learn how much of modern America was created in the post World War II era of the 50's and 60's. We will examine the social and political events of that time period and how they played a role not just in that time period but continue to play a role today.
United States History Colonialism - 1865 - Students will learn the foundations of America from her inception to the Civil War.We will examine how colonialism led to America's independence and how subsequent events fed America's division into civil war.
United States History 1865 - 1945 - Students will learn how America in rebuilding after the Civil War helped lay the foundations to our current society. We will examine America's role on the world stage from the early 1900's throughout World War II and how that still affects America's role today.
Contemporary World Issues - In this course students will examine the events that are currently ongoing or developing in our society. We will use several media outlets of various political persuasions and activities to examine these events.
Medieval History - An exploration of the historical impact of the time from the fall of Rome (476 A.D) through the Renaissance (1350-1550 A.D). The prevailing themes are: the power of the Church, effects of pandemics, change agents (i.e. reformation) and the stagnation of a fear-based ideology.
US Economics -The understanding of theory and application of macroeconomic and microeconomic issues and how they influence choices made from the individual to global systems
Sociology - An introductory course into the study of societal components that influence its culture, norms and values.
Human Geography - The study of the geo-political interplay throughout regions of the world.
Ancient Civilization - An exploration from the dawn of man through the fall of Rome (476 A. D.). This course examines the ancient civilizations with their contributions and connections to our present day civilizations
Psychology - An introductory course into human behavior and mental processes.
History of Asia: China and India - This course explores the historical, geographic, cultural and political impact of two emerging global powers in our world today.
Data & Decisions - Data & Decisions is a one-semester course constructed around making sense of data, analysis, and interpretation. Students will learn how to construct data displays from appropriate measurement techniques. Students will be able to identify properties of statistics and identify the validity & reliability of information.
Algebra 1A - Algebra 1A is a one-semester course constructed around the relationships between quantitates and reasoning with equations, linear and exponential relationships, and expressions and equations. Students will learn how to analyze equations, build functions to model real world situation and interpret the structure of expressions.
Algebra 1B - Algebra 1B is a one-semester course furthering Algebra 1A by making sense of problems using abstract and quantitative reasoning. Students learn how to use appropriate tools, use properties of rational and irrational numbers, solve equations and inequalities, and understand quadratic functions.
Discrete Mathematics - Discrete Mathematics is a one-semester course constructed around investigating patterns, sequences and code while developing a deeper understanding of geometric and algebraic properties.
Topics - Topics in mathematics is a one-semester class blending geometry and algebra. Students will learn how to translate between geometric descriptions and equations, use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems and compute volume, surface area, and efficiency.
Geometry - This course will establish a strong background in Geometry and prepare students for further math courses and the ACT. The course organizes content around visualization, transformation, measurement, reasoning and proof, similarity and coordinate geometry. Probability, data analysis, and data representation along with graphing calculator topics are explored throughout this course.
Math and Money - This course is designed to show students the practical applications of math as it relates to everyday business situations. This practical course prepares students for their roles as consumers, employees, entrepreneurs, and business people. Students will use internet sites, financial publications, and other resources to explore money and its relation to their lives. Savings, earnings, business ventures, credit cards, investments, insurance, taxes, and purchases are some of the topics to be studied. "Plan Now or Pay Later"
Strategies - Students begin their study of algebra and geometry by reviewing basic computational skills, real numbers, percents, proportional thinking, polynomials and graphing. Basic geometry concepts such as area, volume, parallel, perpendicular, and applications of the Pythagorean Theorem are introduced. These skills and concepts will be taught while emphasizing the thinking strategies; determining importance, asking questions, and making a model.
Algebra II - Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra I or equivalent course as determined by school. Students will have access to a TI-83 (or later) graphing calculator. Students study algebraic equations and functions. Other topics include linear inequalities, systems of equations, polynomials, factoring, rational expressions, radicals, and solving quadratic equations. Real world applications are included.
Chemistry - The intent of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to explore matter and the changes it can undergo. Students will be presented with principles of chemistry through real-world community issues.
Global Science - Global Science involves Earth’s Systems, Resources within Earth’s Systems, Managing Resources, Population Dynamics, Environmental Impact and Environmental Ethics, Research and Law. First quarters focus is on processes and second quarter is on topics of environmental science controversy and debate.
Anatomy & Physiology - A&P is a discussion and laboratory based study of the human body. We will study the structure, function and pathology of the following systems: Integumentary, Muscular, Skeletal, Nervous, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive and Endocrine. Dissection of individual sheep organs will compliment course work. This is a very “hands-on” lab based class so be prepared to dissect.
Physics - Physics is the study of matter and energy and their interactions. Students study motion, forces, harmonic motion, projectiles, gravitation, circular motion, electricity, magnetism, and waves.
Genetics - First quarter this course offers a brief review of Mendelian Genetics, DNA structure and replication. Second quarter, we will explore more modern genetic topics: such as genetic engineering, cloning, stem cell research, DNA fingerprinting, genetic basis for disease, genetics of behaviors, and genetic technologies.
Aquatic Biology - Aquatic biology is the scientific study of the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the ocean and their interactions. First quarter focuses on water properties, seafloor topography and exploration and wave properties. Second quarter covers the plant and animal life that inhabits the oceans and seas. These include invertebrates and vertebrates, fish, birds, and mammals. Dissection and specimen lessons are a heavy focus second quarter.
Geology - Geology is a laboratory science course that explores the origins and the connections between the physical, chemical, and biological processes that govern the earth system. We will learn about historical earth deformations and how they impact global human societies.
Biology - This course is the study of living organisms, their life processes and their relationship with the environment. Students develop an understanding of the process of biology through science inquiry. Topics studied may include, but are not limited to: Q1: Nature of Science, Cells, Bioenergetics, Q2: Homeostasis, Natural Selection, and Ecology.
Forensics - This upper level science elective will focus on using the understanding of all sciences in order to "solve the crime." Topics will include fingerprinting analysis, serology, ballistics, hair and fiber analysis, toxicology, and questioned document analysis.
Astronomy - This lab-based course includes the study of our place in the universe, motion of celestial objects, planets, moons, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. The study of our solar system draws upon the student's current knowledge of earth science (geology and weather) and chemistry. Much of the course includes problem solving, requiring a strong understanding of basic algebraic concepts.
Zoology - Zoology is a science course that builds on the biology core curriculum. Expect to learn the processes that occur at the chemical level as well as those that are easily seen to the naked eye in manytypes of organisms. This course engages criticalthinking, use of the scientific method, integrationof technology, and application of knowledge.
Botany - Botany is the scientific study of plants and their relationship to the environment. In this course students investigate the growth, reproduction, anatomy, morphology, physiology, biochemistry, taxonomy, genetics, and ecology of plants. Laboratory and outdoor experiences complement classroom activities.
Resource - Resource is a class designed to provide students extra time and assistance on assignments and assessments. Students may also focus on reading and math skill recovery, career preparation through online classes and modules, and postsecondary skills such as personal finance. Work is specifically tailored to each student’s unique needs.
Music Appreciation - This course provides a focused study on the history of Rock and Roll, the music that changed the world. Over the course of the semester you will discover Rock and Roll from its roots in the blues, country, R&B, the British Invasion, Disco, Hip Hop and more genres of music over the course of five+ decades. Music has touched all facets of our lives, private and public. Rock and Roll is experienced not simply as a sound culture, but as a cinematic, televisual, literary, fashion, political, and dance, and many more cultures within our society. While talking and discussing music we will approach the topics of social movements, politics, youth culture, race & class & identity, communication & technology, style, the (other) arts, and music as a business.
Work Based Learning (WBL) - As developmentally appropriate, this course (or series of courses) is designed for students to enhance employment skills by participating in a community-based work experience (paid or unpaid). A training plan and evaluation (to be filled out by the supervisor/employer) will be developed listing job specific technical skills the student will learn during the experience. Hours worked will be documented. Students will demonstrate levels of self-awareness, career exploration, academic planning based off of postsecondary aspirations and realistic options, employability skills, and environmental expectations. ACE teachers serve as a coach and mentor checking in with supervisor/employer regularly.
Career Exploration - Let’s explore career development and the process of getting into our desired careers. Topics we study are self-assessment, goal setting, research career possibilities, training and education, resume, job search, prepare for Interviews, getting the position and keeping the position
Graphic Design - This course will introduce students to various tools, techniques, and concepts employed by the graphic artist. Students will learn design and layout while completing professional projects such as typeface, packaging, lettering, illustration, and advertising.