Academic Leave

Eagle Academy Academic Leave Expectations 2024-25

All students enrolled at Eagle Academy agree to pass their Student Success Score (SSS) and academic grade in each class, each quarter to remain a full-time student.  Students that do not pass their SSS and/or academic grade in one or more classes in a quarter are placed on Academic Leave for one quarter.  A student can only be placed on Academic Leave ONCEWhile on Academic Leave a student can earn the right to return to Eagle Academy as full time the next quarter if he or she meets the following requirements; if all requirements are not met, the student will be disenrolled from Eagle Academy by, if not before, the end of the quarterAll students enrolled with Eagle Academy Academic Leave must attend in person Mondays AND Wednesdays, 2:45-6:15 PM, with students arriving no earlier than  2:40 PM and no later than 2:45 PM.

Credit Requirements

  • Complete .5 credits in an assigned course with a passing grade of at least 70%.

    • At least 25% of required coursework by Week 3 to earn a first absence.

    • At least 50% of required coursework by Week 6 to earn a second absence..

  • Students who don’t meet the minimums established above will meet with an administrator to create a plan to complete the online course by the deadline.

  • Each student will be assigned a class by Mr Ponn, the Eagle counselor.

  • If required coursework is completed, students are still required to attend Academy Leave sessions.

  • Coursework must be completed by 6:00 PM on the last Academic Leave session of the quarter, except for students graduating at the end of that quarter, whose work is due Week 8.

  • Students can and should complete work at home, however time spent working outside of designated Academic Leave hours DOES NOT count toward the attendance minimum.


Attendance Requirements

  • Students MAY NOT have more than two (2) absences, excused or unexcused, during Academic Leave. Students must not have any unexcused absences during the first three weeks and must earn unexcused absences by reaching the completion minimums above (25% by Week 3 and 50% by Week 6). Please remember Eagle Academy’s policy is to require a doctor’s note to excuse absences.

  • If students require a break they must sign out and back in; students may take no more than one 5 minute break per evening.  All minutes must be made up at the end of class to complete the total of 90 minutes of work time for the class. 

  • Students that leave the room for longer than 5 minutes total will be sent home and counted absent for the night.

  • NO EXITING the building.  Once a student enters the building for class they cannot exit.  Students that exit the building during Academic Leave without the explicit permission from the Academic Leave Teacher AND Eagle Administration will be counted absent for the night and sent home.

  • Students are prohibited from attending Eagle on any night except their assigned Starlab nights.

  • Arrival after 2:45 PM is prohibited; students who arrive late will be sent home with an unexcused absence.

Work Requirement -

  • Students MUST log a minimum of 90 work hours (for .25 credit), both online and through electronic copies of pay stubs (only official pay stubs with taxes and Social Security deducted are accepted) submitted to Ms. Norton via Canvas.

  • In order to receive work study credit, students must submit all paperwork and ongoing documentation to meet this expectation by 4:15 PM on the evening of the 8th week of Academic Leave.


Dis-Enrollment from Eagle Academy

Any student that does not meet the expectations above during their time on Academic Leave will be disenrolled from Eagle Academy by, if not before, the end of the quarter.


Communicating Starlab Progress

During the quarter there will be 2 progress reports sent home to allow both parents and students to monitor progress.  Each report will indicate how many credits are assigned, what percent has been completed so far, and what grade the student is currently earning.  All Work Study hours, online and hard copies of pay stubs, are due by 4:15 PM on the 8th Academic Leave week of the quarter, and all online classwork must be completed by 4:15 PM on the final Academic Leave session of the quarter, with the exception of students graduating at the end of that quarter, whose online work is due Week 8. The final grade and number of credits earned will be calculated by 7:30 pm on the last night of the quarter. 


Additional Support

We realize that there are often multiple issues underlying the problems that led to a student being placed on academic leave. Students are encouraged, but not required, to seek additional support from a member of our mental health team at any time during the quarter.

Ms. Liz Garth Ms. Lisa Jensen

Mr. Andrew Ponn Ms. Cindy Thomas

Academic Leave occurs on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 2:45-4:15 PM in Room 222. Parents are requested to attend the first 30 minutes of Academic Leave on any of the first two sessions (08/12 or 08/14) in order to meet Ms. Jensen, review the Academic Leave expectations document, and/or have questions answered regarding Academic Leave policies and procedures. 

Star Lab Dates 24-25

Quarter 1                Quarter 2                Quarter 3                Quarter 4                           

(M & W)                      (M & W)                      (M & W)                  (M & W)                         

1. Aug. 12 & 14 1. Oct. 28 & 30 1. Jan. 27 & 29 1. Apr.  7 & 9

2. Aug. 19 & 21 2. Nov. 4 & 6 2. Feb. 3 & 5 2. Apr. 14 & 16

3. Aug. 26 & 28 3. Nov. 11 & 13 3. Feb. 10 & 12 3. Apr. 21 & 23

4. Sept. 4 4. Nov. 18 & 20 4. Feb. 19 4. Apr. 28 & 30

5. Sept. 9 & 11 5. Dec. 2 & 4 5. Feb. 24 & 26 5. May 5 & 7

6. Sept. 16 & 18 6. Dec. 9 & 11 6. Mar. 3 & 5 6. May 12 & 14

7. Sep. 23 & 25 7. Dec. 16 & 18 7. Mar. 10 & 12 7. May 19 & 21

8. Sept. 30 & Oct. 2## 8. Jan. 6 & 8## 8. Mar. 24 & 26## 8. May 28##

9. Oct. 7 & 9 9. Jan. 13 & 15 9. Mar. 31 & Apr. 2 9. June 2 & 4


## Work hours and all online work for graduating students are due by 4:15 PM the Wednesday of the 8th week of the Academic Leave session.